336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.
[IPS] tomahawk를 이용한 IPS 테스팅
토마호크라는 프로그램을 이용하여 IPS를 데모테스팅 할 수 있습니다.
토마호크 설치방법(tomahawk installation)
1. 필요사항
가. Pentium with 1GHz or faster processor
나. 512 MB of memory
다. Red Hat Linux 7.2 or later (or equivalent Linux distribution)
라. Two (2) gigabit Network Interfaces Cards (NICs) for data, assigned to eth0 and eth1.
The Intel ProLAN adapters are inexpensive and work great.
마. One (1) NIC for management, assigned to eth2
2. 설치방법
가. http://tomahawk.sourceforge.net/tomahawk1.1.gz 에서 패키지를 다운 받습니다.
나. gzip -d tomahawk1.1.gz으로 해당 패키지의 압축을 풉니다.
다. chmod +x tomahawk1.1 로 퍼미션 변경 후 실행합니다.
3. 실행방법
가. tomahawk -l -i eth0 -j eth1 -f test.pcap 등의 명령어로 200~450M의 트래픽을 생성합니다.
[root@localhost bin]# tomahawk1.1 -h
Usage: tomahawk1.1 options
Options affecting all streams:
-h Print help and exit
-Z Debug mode (multiple -Z's increase)
-W Warning mode (enables extra checks and prints out warnings)
-q Quiet mode
-R rate playback rate in Mbps (default: unlimited
-m sendGroupSize Maximum number of packets to gather before sending the group (default: 15)
-w lookahead Maximum number of packets to examime while gathering the group to send (default: 500)
-i interface1 Interface to send packets on
-j interface2 Interface to send packets on
-a startIpAddr First IP address for mapped IPs
-N maxActive Max simultaneously active handlers
-s startId Lowest hadler ID to use (default: 1)
-e endId Highest handler ID to use (default: 251)
-L logFile Run in logMode and log packets that time out to logFile (- is STDOUT).
Options individual streams (handlers):
-A (0|1) Modify IP addresses (default: true)
-d Randomize lower 2 bytes of IP address (use only when the pcap has 2 IPs in it.)
-t timeout Timeout for one packet(ms)
-r retrans Number of retransmission
-n maxActive Max number of handlers for a file
-l loops Number of times to replay file
-f file Pcap file to play
상기와 같은 옵션으로 테스트를 진행하면 됩니다.
출처 : http://tomahawk.sourceforge.net/